Timbisha Shoshone Tribe Hotel & Resort - Inyo County

Traffic Impact Analysis

JLB Traffic Engineering, Inc. (JLB) was retained by the Timbisha Shoshone Tribe to prepare a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for the proposed Hotel & Resort to be located in Furnace Creek, California in Inyo County within the boundaries of Death Valley National Park. The TIA was prepared as part of the Environmental Impact Studies Report pursuant to the guidelines of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

The purpose of this TIA was to evaluate potential traffic impacts, identify critical traffic issues that should be addressed in the ongoing planning process and determine potential mitigation measures. The study primarily focused on analyzing operations at two intersections and roadway segments under Existing, Opening Year Plus Background Growth No Project and Opening Year Plus Background Growth plus Project traffic condition scenarios. In addition to analyzing traffic operations, JLB prepared the Project’s Fair Share percentage to potential future improvements of the study facilities. JLB also analyzed the existing geometrics of the Tumpisa Road connection to State Route 190 to determine if these met current standards for Road Connections and Driveways pursuant to the California Highway Design Manual and Appendix J of the Encroachment Permits Manual.

The scope of work was prepared via consultation with staff from Caltrans District 9 and National Parks. In May of 2014, the Draft TIA was reviewed and approved as submitted by the lead agency.